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How To Make A Dog Feel Better After Throwing Up

How To Make A Dog Feel Better After Throwing Up


Seeing your beloved furry friend throw up can be distressing, but there are steps you can take to help them feel better. While it's important to consult a veterinarian for any persistent or severe vomiting, there are several home remedies and care tips that can provide comfort to your dog in the meantime.

1. Assess the Situation

Before taking any action, assess the situation to determine the severity of your dog's condition. If the vomiting is an isolated incident and your dog appears otherwise healthy, you can try some at-home remedies. However, if your dog is repeatedly throwing up or shows other concerning symptoms, it's best to seek professional veterinary advice.

2. Limit Food and Water Intake

After your dog has thrown up, it's crucial to give their stomach some rest. Avoid offering any food or water for a few hours to allow their digestive system to settle. This fasting period helps prevent further irritation and allows their stomach to recover.

3. Gradually Reintroduce Water

Once the fasting period is over, start by giving your dog small amounts of water. Offer it in frequent intervals rather than allowing them to drink a large amount all at once. This helps prevent dehydration and eases their stomach back into the routine.

4. Follow a Bland Diet

When your dog's vomiting has subsided, introduce a bland diet consisting of easily digestible foods such as boiled chicken or rice. Avoid adding any seasonings or oils. This gentle meal helps restore their energy and soothes their upset stomach.

5. Offer Small and Frequent Meals

Instead of feeding your dog large meals, divide their daily portion into smaller, more frequent meals. This approach aids digestion and minimizes the chances of overeating, which can trigger vomiting.

6. Keep an Eye on Their Behavior

Observe your dog's behavior closely after they have thrown up. If they seem lethargic, continue to vomit, or display other concerning symptoms, it's essential to consult a veterinarian immediately. These signs might indicate a more serious underlying issue that requires professional treatment.

7. Provide a Comfortable Environment

Make sure your dog has a calm and comfortable environment to rest in while they recover. Create a cozy spot with their favorite blanket or bed, away from noise and distractions. This peaceful setting promotes relaxation and aids in their recovery.

8. Monitor Water Intake

While it's crucial to keep your dog hydrated, excessive water intake can lead to more vomiting. Ensure they have access to fresh water, but monitor their intake. If you notice them drinking excessively, consider temporarily limiting their access to prevent further stomach upset.

9. Avoid Stress and Strenuous Activities

During this recovery period, it's important to minimize stress and avoid strenuous activities. Rest and relaxation are key for your dog's recuperation. Limit exercise and keep them away from any situations that may cause anxiety or excitement, as these can exacerbate their condition.

10. Consult a Veterinarian if Necessary

If your dog's vomiting persists, worsens, or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms such as diarrhea, weakness, or loss of appetite, it's vital to seek veterinary attention. A professional evaluation will help determine the underlying cause and ensure appropriate treatment.


While occasional vomiting in dogs can be common and often resolves with at-home care, it's important to monitor their condition closely. By following the steps mentioned above and providing love and support, you can help your furry friend feel better after throwing up. Remember, if in doubt, always consult a veterinarian for proper guidance and care.

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